Vše Interpret Skladba Album
mp3seznam.cz - Žádný ze zde umístěných souborů se nenachází na tomto serveru. Proto nezodpovídáme za jejich kvalitu ani za porušování autorských práv - tuto zodpovědnost nese server na který odkazujeme.
 1. Monica Lam  Beyond VDI: Why Thin Client Computing and Virtual Desktop Infrastructures Aren't Cutting It  22nd Large Installation System Administration Conference 
 2. Bradford Willke  Managing Risk to Critical Infrastructures at the National Level - Part 1: Critical Infrastructures and Their Reliance on Critical Information Infrastructures  CERT’s Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 3. Hewlett-Packard Company  New HP Thin Client solutions  Product Overview/Interview 
 4. Douglas A. Brown  Universal Desktop Thin Clients for Virtualization Podcast with Stephen Yeo from IGEL - March 3, 2009 - Episode 73  DABCC Radio: Virtualization, Citrix, VMware, Microsoft Hyper-V, Terminal Server, Virtual PC Podcasts 
 5. Chad Jones; Janet- Webcast Team  Accelerate Desktop Deployment with the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack   
 6. Hewlett-Packard Company  Energy efficient desktop PCs - HP Business Desktop Series  HP Product overview 
 7. Win Treese  Specializing General-Purpose Computing: A New Approach to Designing Clusters for High-Performance Technical Computing  2007 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 
 8. Win Treese  Specializing General-Purpose Computing: A New Approach to Designing Clusters for High-Performance Technical Computing  2007 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 
 9. Win Treese  Specializing General-Purpose Computing: A New Approach to Designing Clusters for High-Performance Technical Computing  2007 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 
 10. The Max Levine Ensemble  Aren't All Songs Political? Aren't All Songs Vaguely Self Referential?  OK Smartypants 
 11. Hillary & The Democrats  Now The Infrastructures Down  Little 038 - If I Were The President EP 
 12. Performed by Joern Becker & Lars Slowak  Virtual Bassist & Virtual Guitarist Demo  Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH 
 13. Cousin Silas  Crumbling Infrastructures  Ballard Landscapes 2 
 14. Cousin Silas  Crumbling Infrastructures  Ballard Landscapes 2 
 15. Bradford Willke  Managing Risk to Critical Infrastructures at the National Level - Part 3: First Steps and Additional Resources  CERT’s Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 16. Capitol Steps  Up on the Desktop  O Christmas Bush 
 17. Capitol Steps  Up on the Desktop  O Christmas Bush 
 18. echonomist  desktop dub  [diginet010] va - background feelings 
 19. Douglas E. Welch  One client into many  Career Opportunities - Helping to Build the Career You Deserve! 
 20. Enter It In The Art Show  Client No. 9  Songfight! 2008 
 21. Helms and Peters  Client or No Client  Tales from the FLiPt 
 22. No Horse Town  Client No. 9  SongFight 
 23. No Horse Town  Client No. 9  SongFight 
 24. Enter It In The Art Show  Client No. 9  Songfight! 2008 
 25. Second Banana  Client No 9  Song Fight! 
 26. Erkan Yanar  Desktop ade: Me and my shell  Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2005 
 27. Bruce Harold, Product Manager  What’s New in ArcGIS Desktop 9.3  ESRI Speaker Series 
 28. Bruce Harold, Product Manager  What’s New in ArcGIS Desktop 9.3  ESRI Speaker Series 
 29. TextAloud: NeoSpeech Paul 16k  webware-vs-desktop.mp3  Created: 12/31/2005 11:07:47 A 
 30. TextAloud: NeoSpeech Paul 16k  webware-vs-desktop.mp3  Created: 12/31/2005 11:07:47 A 
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